Why Bother?

One Year Bible (April 27)

Judges 7:1-8:17

“Why Bother?”

The coffee drink that I most often order is what a friend of mine calls a “Why Bother”. It is sugar-free, has oat milk instead of real milk, and has only one shot of decaf. It is big on looks but low on any real power. In other words, “It has no kick in it!”

Many of us live life with that same lack of power that my beverage has! We look at the overwhelming darkness and feel overwhelmed by our lack of strength and power. We have very little “kick in us”. Our message today in the OT looks in-depth at Gideon’s most famous battle, “The Battle for Midian”.

As you may recall, Gideon was an overwhelmed leader who was very underconfident. At this point, Gideon is about as weak as my latte, and is a perfect blank slate for one of God’s finest moments…

God is now ready to deliver the Israelites from their mighty foe. Here are the battle plans:

  1. “Whoever is timid or afraid may leave this mountain and go home.” (7:3) So, 22,000 went home leaving 10,000 who were willing to fight. (I am kind of surprised that Gideon stayed, now that I think about it.)

  2. God tells Gideon, “There are still too many.” So, he asked Gideon down to the water to divide “The Lappers” and “The Kneelers”. Only 300 lapped the water like a dog. They were the lucky winners who got a ticket to Hollywood or “HOLY WOULD!!!”, as the case may be!”

What they were about to see was going to be more incredible than anything they had ever seen! The rest are “on the bus, Gus”; they are going home!

Now, I don’t really “Do Math” but the people that do say that “God’s Step Down Plan” got them down to a 13/1 ratio: Midianites:13 and Israelites: 1. Now, those are not good stats for battle. God’s Step Down Plan continues to get them down to a 450/1 ratio. (You got that right, 450 Midianites per one unarmed Israelite!). Even a non-math person, such as myself, understands this word picture! I believe in math terminology they call it, “To the Higher Power”. )

  1. Next, God gives Gideon “the plan” for battle. They are to go at midnight (in the dark with their 300 men). They will have no weapons. None. Zilch. Nada… And, oh, by the way, Gideon is still nervous so God tells him to sneak down to the Mideon camp and take his servant Purah with him.

  2. Gideon overhears a Mideonite telling his companion about his dream. The companion replied, “Your dream can only mean one thing, ‘God has given Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite victory over Midian and all its allies!’ (7:14)

When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, “he bowed in worship before the Lord”. (7:15)

Now, we get why God picked the reluctant, unconfident Gideon. He didn’t need “much of a leader”; Gideon’s little became “Much” and miraculous when he followed “God’s Step Down Plan”. Gideon “Stepped Down” and God “Stepped It UP”!

What weapons did they use to take down their enemy?

Well, they used “Trumpets & Torches” which are not earthy weapons but rather spiritual ones. The short summary is that “cracked pots, bright lights, and trumpets blaring scared the devil out of them”! Judges 7: 20 tells us that they shouted, “A Sword for the Lord and for Gideon!”

Notice, there was no earthly sword in their hands; it was only in the Lord’s hand. The enemy was so frightened at the midnight hour when they awoke from a deep slumber that “The Lord caused the warriors in the camp to fight against each other with their swords.”

“Why Bother” to pray, to worship, to carry our cracked pots with the light of the Spirit shining through? Well, it appears that our mighty God shines quite well out of a bunch of “cracked pots”.

“Why Bother”, indeed!

“For we have this treasure in EARTHEN VESSELS that the excellence of the power may be of God and not us.”--2 Cor. 4:7

What is God’s “Step Down Plan” for you, and how have you seen him “Step it Up”?


Surprised Simon


Clothed With Power (Part 2)