Who Says You Can’t Go Home?

One Year Bible (May 6)

Ruth 2:1-4:22

‘Who Says You Can’t Go Home?”

“It doesn’t matter where you are, It doesn’t matter where you go, If it’s a million miles away or just ten miles up the road. Take it in, take it with you when you go. Who says you can’t go home?” (“Who Says You Can’t Go Home” by Bon Jovi. A must listen!)

I love, love, love this song! It is the kind of song you hear in Branson, Mo and it reminds me of all the reasons why I love my roots!

My hometown is Springfield, Illinois. This is where my life was formed, memories made, and roots grew deep. Everyplace elsewhere I have lived is kind of like “coming late to the party”, if you know what I mean. People ask me, “Where did you get your accent?” (Hmmmmm)

Oh the joy to still live in a place where your roots remain, your friends have been with you all your life, and you just belong. You are not the “newcomer” or the “outsider”. Today’s story is about a woman struggling with this and more… Much More!

Much Loss, Much Fear. Much Bitterness. Much Uncertainty. Much Brokeness. She just wanted to go home…

“It was Late Spring, at the beginning of the barley harvest”. (Ruth 1: 22) To us, this would be around the month of March as their barley harvest always followed immediately after the Passover.

To Naomi, it felt more like “Winter” however. As she thought of the Passover that year she had to struggle with “Why would the death angel take her husband and now her only two sons?” Yes, it felt like the darkest, harshest winter that she had ever known, but the new life of spring is on its way…

Naomi’s name has been changed to “Mara” meaning, “For the Lord has made my life Bitter”.

Here is what she says to her daughter-in-laws, ”Things are far more bitter for me than for you because the Lord himself has raised his fist against me.” (1:13) One Daughter-In-Law went back to her homeland, and one proceeded bravely onward to a land and people that she knew little about…

There is just something about going home, isn’t there? Notice, how the town is a buzz remembering Naomi by name. What a joy for others to remember and call you with affection by name, but Naomi is not making it easy on them.

“Is it really Naomi?”, One woman asked. (1: 19) Look at Naomi’s sad response, “I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty. Why call me Naomi when the Lord has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy upon me?” (1: 21)

Poor Naomi has gone home to “SURVIVE” but God is calling her home to “THRIVE”. There is a big difference! She just doesn’t know it… YET!

At this exact time of the year in April 2019, I got to “go back to my roots”. I grew up in the Land of Lincoln, and for almost a week I got to walk down all of the familiar paths that brought my heart incredible joy! The red brick streets that I used to ride my bike down, my home church, the college where I first started my journey into adulthood, my high school, the church camp on the lake where I used to lifeguard each summer, and my childhood home. I even had a “Maidrite”, my favorite sandwich during my high school days. (Does anyone even know what that is? Just askin’.) I was able to put my arms around the necks of people who have truly made me who I am, and hug the necks of my parents’ best friends for life and beyond! Pure JOY!

Now, my father was already in heaven at this time, but I could see him and feel his presence during that entire trip. As I turned into my home church where he had been the senior minister during my growing up days, the last car I passed as I turned in the driveway was a White Lincoln (exactly like my father’s beloved car). The song that came on my Sirius radio was “Blessed Assurance”, his all-time favorite hymn.

My father WAS far away, but he IS NEVER far away!

“Who says you can’t go home?

There’s only one place they call me one of their own…

I been all around the world and as a matter of fact

There’s only one place left I want to go

Who says you can’t go home?

It’s alright, It’s alright, It’s alright, It’s alright.”

Naomi doesn’t know it just yet, but it is going to be alright again,

and it can be for you and me too, sweet sisters. There is a Kinsman Redeemer waiting for you and for me! Our father may SEEM far away, but HE is NEVER far away!!

“Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling…

Come home, come home. (Softly and Tenderly--Traditional Hymn)

Who Says You Can’t Go Home?


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