Denouncing Evil Motives
2 PETER 2: 1-21
(November 27)
While 1 Peter was written just before Nero started persecuting the Christians, 2 Peter was written about three years later, when the persecution was very intense. This was meant to be a letter that put focus on the internal problems of the church, especially the false teachers. They were causing believers to doubt their faith and turn away from the gospel. Peter wanted to denounce the evil motives of these false teachers and reaffirm the truths of Christianity ... that scripture has authority, that faith is the primary component, and that believers can be certain of the return of Christ.
Peter wrote this knowing he would die soon. Jesus had already prepared Peter for the kind of death he would endure. When the time came for his crucifixion, Peter requested to be crucified upside down, because he didn't feel worthy to be crucified in the same exact way as Jesus.
"For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (verse 16) Peter assures the believers that the Old Testament prophets were truly writing messages from God. He then adds himself and the other apostles to the same category as they also proclaimed the truth of God.
Peter wanted them to know (and us as well) that the Bible is not a collection of tall tales or someone's viewpoint on God. It is the very word of God, spoken through his chosen people to the people of the world. How can Peter be so sure? He was an eyewitness to much, and God inspired him, giving him words to combat the false teachings. It was simple, really ... if their words didn't line up with the Bible, then their message wasn't from God. The same is still true today.
Why did Peter call Christ the "Morning Star" in verse 19? He said this because Christ will shine upon his return, bright in his full glory just like the morning star. As we wait for that day to come, we can use the Bible as a light and the Holy Spirit as a way to illuminate those words, guiding us to the truth. And when we are firm in the truth, we can denounce the evil motives of those who come against God and his word.