A Thorn in the Flesh
2 CORINTHIANS 12: 1-10
(September 11)
Have you ever heard that phrase "a thorn in my flesh?" Perhaps the speaker was referring to a situation in their lives. Or maybe it was a person that was causing them angst. It could have been a sickness or condition that caused perpetual problems. Whatever it was, the phrase was surely intended for something negative that was causing issues.
Paul continues his boasting in his own weakness. How easy it would have been for him to become proud of all he was doing and all he had endured. It was certainly boast-worthy!
But he had a little reminder that kept him from boasting out of pride ... "So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud." (verse 7)
We don't know what that thorn was. Paul never reveals its identity. Some scholars have thought it might be some type of health condition. We won't know this side of heaven, but wheat we DO know is that it was chronic and debilitating, and it kept him from working at times in his life.
Did Paul accept this thorn willingly? Not at first. It was hindering his ministry and he prayed for it to be removed. God did not remove the thorn.
The thorn was left to hinder Paul for a very specific reason ... to keep him humble and remind him of his need for constant contact with God. This not only benefitted Paul, but also all those around him who saw God working in his life, despite the thorn in his flesh.
Paul recognized that this thorn kept him humble and weak, and he was happy to be weak in his own strength, because he knew his strength was in God. Now THAT he could boast about!
Think about it. Have you received a thorn in the flesh that keeps you dependent upon God? Even when it is hard or uncomfortable, God knows what he is doing. If we can trust him with our thorns, we can trust him with our lives.