The Last Hour
1 JOHN 2:18 - 3:6
(December 2)
John uses this opportunity to talk to the recipients of this letter and let them know about what to expect in the last days, that time between when Christ first came to earth and when he will come again. They were living in those days. We, too, are living in those days.
It is in this in-between time that the false teachers were pretending to be Christians in order to lure others away from Christ. That happened then and it is still happening today. And just like in any group, there is a leader ... the great antichrist that we hear about in God's word. He will show up just before Jesus makes his return.
John calls these false teachers "antichrists." They were not strangers to the church. In fact, they called themselves Christians. They were in the church but didn't really belong because they didn't believe that Jesus was who the prophets said he was. They said they had faith in God yet did not believe what was said about Jesus.
Denying Christ is the same as rejecting God. When you accept God as the Father, you must also accept Christ as the Son. The two are one and can never be separated.
John reminded the believers and followers of Christ that they were not like those evil-minded people. They had the "anointing from the Holy One" which meant they had the Holy Spirit to guide them to the truth ... to Jesus. He urged them to remain faithful to this truth in order to remain in fellowship with Christ and with God, for it is in this fellowship that eternal life with him is promised.
Those who did not choose to remain faithful to Christ do not belong to him, they belong to the world. God does not call them children as he does those who believe. It is those he calls children who will be like Jesus and see him as he really is. How exciting for us!
By keeping our hearts and lives pure, we will experience such a beautiful and great final reward. Those who do not will find that the last hour has nothing beautiful about it.
Where do you want to be in the last hour? With Jesus, or with the world? The decisions we make today shape the place we will be when that time comes. Choose wisely! Choose eternally! Choose Jesus!