A Great Cloud of Witnesses
A Great Cloud of Witnesses
HEBREWS 11:32 - 12:13
(November 14)
Who do you look up to as an example? What people do you strive to be like? Are you someone's role model?
There are so many people around us that can teach us and be an example to us. And sometimes, we are that example for others. The way we live speaks volumes to others.
Sometimes it is the power and victories that we see in others. We want those same achievements.
Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David. Samuel and other prophets demonstrated their faith by overthrowing kingdoms, ruling with justice, and receiving their promises from God. These were the ones who shut the mouths of lions, put out the fires, and avoided certain death. What was once weak in them became their strength through faith. They became battle leaders.
Other times, we see people who suffer for the sake of a cause, and we want to be like them ... strong in the face of suffering.
The Bible shows us many examples of people who were tortured for their faith in God. They were mocked, cut with whips, chained in prison cells, sawed in half, or stoned to death. Some were poor and oppressed and spent their lives in hiding, waiting for this life to end so they could go on to a better one.
The faith of these people gave them a reputation that was admired. Their faith gave them the gift of eternal life, not on this earth, but with God, so that they could finally reach perfection.
So, the question would be ... with all these fine examples of faith around us and before us, what holds us back? Our faith should equal theirs, being strong enough that we can run whatever race God places before us, knowing that our faith will get us to the finish line.
The only way to win this race is to keep our eyes on Jesus. If Jesus can endure what he endured for the sake of our lives, then we should be able to endure anything that comes our way.
Our faith in God needs to remain strong, even in moments when he is disciplining us. "My child, don't make light of the Lord's discipline, and don't give up when he corrects you. For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child. (Verse 5-6)
God's discipline is a beautiful thing because it means he loves us. Just as we discipline our children out of love, God does the same for us. The knowledge that we are so loved by God should energize us and give us the endurance we need to keep going.
What is testing you today? Is it your marriage, your kids, or your job? Maybe it is an illness or a financial situation. Or perhaps you are struggling in a relationship with a family member or friend. Whatever the test, put your faith in Christ and run your race with the endurance that comes only from God.
Draw your strength from him and from the example you received from that great cloud of witnesses.