Make No Mistake
Acts 2:1-47. (June 4)
I love how today's scripture opens! A group of believers are meeting together when flames appear and the Holy Spirit comes upon them.
Can you just imagine? What an amazing group experience that must have been!!!
They all suddenly start speaking in tongues and other languages. This amazed the Jews. "What can this mean?" they asked each other.
Some thought perhaps they were drunk.
This was an open door...a golden opportunity...for Peter to witness to them.
"Make no mistake about this. These people are not drunk, as some of you are assuming. Nine o'clock in the morning is much too early for that. No, what you see was predicted for that."
He goes on to remind them of what the prophet Joel had predicted long ago.
*That God would pour out his spirit upon the people
*That sins and daughters would prophesy ad see visions.
*There would be wonders in the heavens and signs in the earth
*The sun would go dark, the moon would turn red before the Lord arrives
*Everyone who calls on the name of the Lird will be saved
Wow!! Those are some mighty big predictions!! Remember, Joel was a prophet, not a fortune teller or palm reader.
This was some serious stuff!
I love how he opens up..."MAKE NO MISTAKE!"
Make No Mistake! God publicly endorsed Jesus by doing powerful miracles, wonders, and signs through him.
Make No Mistake! God knew exactly what would happen. It was all part of his plan.
Make No Mistake! God has raised Jesus back to life, for death couldn't hold him.
Make No Mistake! King David knew one of his descendants would sit on the throne. That is the Messiah.
Make No Mistake! Jesus has been exalted by God to the highest honor in heaven, at the right hand of God.
Make No Mistake! (Listen up! This applies to you and me) "You must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." When we do this... we receive the Holy Spirit.
Make No Mistake! Peter's words were powerful, and about 3,000 were baptized on that day alone.
Make No Mistake! As these believers continued to worship and fellowship together, helping each other and sharing meals together, the Lord continued to add to their numbers.
Make No Mistake! Each of us has the same ability as Peter did that day. We can share with others. We can speak the Holy truth. We can offer hope in Jesus.
Each of us has the power to multiply the Kingdom of God. That means YOU! That means ME! There is power in our testimonies, and we all have the opportunity to lead others to Christ. It is our calling, our honor, and our duty...Make No Mistake!