A Dreadful Drought
One Year Bible (June 17)
I Kings 18:1-46
A Dreadful Drought
“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Today’s passage is about a spiritual drought, a physical drought, and an amazing deliverance.
The people of God have rejected the “living water’ that He provided for his people and have sought out idols… lots of idols! Before He can save them, however, he needs to show them a little bit about their thirst. What they are “thirsting after” can be seen in their “idol practices”.
What is the "PULL" to worship "POLES"?
Ashtoreth worship could involve a “Grove of Trees” or a “Pole”. Worship of Asherah was noted for its sensuality and involved sexual ritual prostitution. The priests and priestesses of Asherah also practiced divination and fortune-telling.
Next, let’s look at Chemosh (of Moab). This deity was considered in the same deity family as Baal. On occasions, a human sacrifice was considered necessary to secure his favor. Their ancestral founder was Moab, a son of Lot. That adds context when you think of the land where Lot lived, Sodom and Gomorrah.
The worship of Baal was the primary idol worship promoted and built by Ahab and Jezebel and was related to the worship of Asherah (deity of fertility).
What word comes to your mind when you look at their idol practices?
The word “ORGY” originated with "cultic secret rites” involving dancing, drinking, revelry, worship, and more. Solomon’s love for “many foreign wives” led him to more illicit opportunities.
Idols allowed the people to “choose adultery and call it holy”. They ran towards the “sensual” versus seeking the “spiritual”.
I always thought of idols as mere statues or empty poles, but what I missed seeing is the “evil power” that came from their worship of false gods. Elijah is stepping into the very midst of a spiritual battle for the souls of the nation of Israel.
Pay close attention to Elijah’s opening words to King Ahab.” There will be no dew or rain during the next few years until I give the word!” (I Kings 17:1) “During the NEXT FEW YEARS”...Now, that’s a Dreadful Drought!
Why did God send Elijah with this particular unique message?
The false gods that Ahab introduced and served were thought to control storms and rain. So, this is a frontal challenge intended to prove that only God has that power. These people are going to have quite some time to think about their trust in a god that “can’t deliver what it says”.
Israel had been drinking from “false cisterns” rather than the “living water”, but they are about to find out how thirsty they really are!!
Before Elijah can minister to the people, he finds himself pretty hungry and thirsty. God ministers to him so that he can share the need for water with these lost people. God feeds Elijah with ravens that bring him bread and meat each morning, and he is camped along Kerith Brook (near the Jordan River). The Bible tells us, “So, Elijah did as the Lord told him.” (I Kings 17:4)
Finally, let’s look at the immense spiritual battle involving IDOLS as we see in the great showdown on Mt. Carmel.
Illicit Sex: Not only had the people committed ritual prostitution on this very site, but they had committed spiritual prostitution against their God. See the story of Gomer and Hosea.)
Demonic in origin: On this day 450 prophets of Baal faced off against Elijah. Do you know two words that describe Jezebel? Those words would be "Idols and witchcraft" (See 2 Kings 9:22) )
Obsessive rituals: The people “cut themselves with knives and swords until the blood gushed out--as was their normal custom” --I Kings 18:28
License to Sin: If their “god” wins they can continue to do whatever they want. Listen to Elijah’s mocking of their false gods, “You’ll have to shout louder,’ he scoffed, “for surely he is a god! Perhaps he is daydreaming or is relieving himself” (18:27)
Social Pressure: On this day, ALL of the prophets of Baal were seized and killed. The ruling system over this city was put to an end. The Peer Pressure to worship idols will be gone!
Remember the part about, “How things were going to really heat up”? Well, no matter how much the prophets of Baal danced, hobbled around the altars, screamed, or cut themselves… No Water Came!
However, God answered one faithful servant, Elijah. He prayed and “the fire of the Lord flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones, and the dust. It even licked up all the water in the trench? And when all the people saw it, they fell face down on the ground and cried out, ‘The Lord God! Yes, the Lord is God!” (18:38)
The miracles aren’t over yet; now it is time for RAIN! Then it says that Elijah tucked his cloak in his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel!” (18:46)
A Verk Dark Hour. A Dreadful Drought. A Miraculous Deliverance.