Perfect Cleansing
HEBREWS 10: 1-17
(November 10)
I am a budget-minded gal. I like to find bargains when I shop, and make my dollars stretch a little farther. And while finding bargains is a great thing, there are some things you just can't skimp on (in my opinion).
"Back in the day" I would buy bargain brand dish soap. The price suited me just fine. But I wasn't always happy with the cleanliness of my dishes. It seemed like I had to scrub and scrub to get them clean and make them shine. My mom kept telling me I needed to change dish soap brands, but my frugal self wouldn't listen.
After many years of this issue, I finally did break down and buy the "good stuff". I fussed over the difference in price (SERIOUSLY??) but I decided to give it a try.
You can imagine my delight when my dishes felt cleaner and shinier, with way less effort! No more bargain dish soap for me. From now on, my family would eat off of dishes that had been truly cleansed.
It is sort of the same thing with the sacrificial ceremonies of the Old Testament. They served a purpose and did the job, after much work. (Finding the animal, cutting it open, cleaning up the mess ...) but they weren't a perfect cleansing.
Those who sacrificed were not really purified, because they kept feeling the guilt, especially as they repeated the same ceremony year after year.
But then ... Jesus.
The ceremonial law was set aside for something far better ... a purified cleansing. Setting aside this ceremonial law didn't mean that the moral law was cast aside. It meant that all the while these people had been making these sacrifices, they were doing so in preparation for Jesus to come.
When Christ died and experienced resurrection, there was no longer a need for that old ceremonial system. And when Jesus lives in us, we fulfill the moral law as well, living as imitators of him.
Jesus cancels out the first covenant and puts the new and final one into place. He, himself, is the final sacrifice for sins. He is the single sacrifice for sins, good for all time (Verse 12).
Jesus is our perfect cleansing.