Second Best: Do You Measure Up to Others?
2 CORINTHIANS 11: 1-15
(September 9)
Have you ever felt like you just didn't measure up? You didn't feel as smart as the next person, or as capable of what you were doing. Inadequacy was your middle name, and you carried it like a badge on your heart?
That has been my situation on many occasions in my life. I just finished writing and publishing a devotional, but of course those feelings of inadequacy have crept in, making me feel like I have to compare it to others, and it won't be good enough.
We do this even in our marriages and our parenting. Our homes can never shine quite as bright as the Pinterest pictures of others. Our kids have stains on their shirts and messed up hair, and the next mom's kids look so well put together.
There are situations in every aspect of our lives where we can allow ourselves to feel second best, not good enough, and not capable enough. But the key word here is ... ALLOW.
We have the power in our minds to not allow these thoughts. (But sometimes we don't think we are even capable of that.) If we could all practice the mindset of Paul, we would have a lot more confidence in our lives.
Paul knows he is not a trained and experienced speaker. He had not attended in Greek schools of oratory and speechmaking. Many of the "false prophets" had attended these schools and they had polished their speeches so they could shine.
Paul didn't believe he needed the flourishing speeches. He was confident in his simple presentation of the gospel. Some people thought this showed that he was simple-minded. The "falsies" used this against him time and time again.
But Paul is confident in what he does because he knows who is leading him. He is certain that he will continue to do things in the same way, which will cause problems for the "falsies" because Paul speaks for free, when most of the others expect compensation. He will continue to undermine them and hopes to rid Corinth of them entirely.
Paul's confidence in this comes from knowing he is living out God's calling on his life. We will all do so much better in the things we do if we have the same mindset.
If God calls you to do something, he is going to give you the ability to do it. He is in control, and he will make a way. So, we should never feel like we aren't "good enough", and we should never settle for being "second Best".
In God's eyes, we are his favorite!