The Balancing Act
2 CORINTHIANS 4:13 - 5:10
(August 31)
I have had a lot of rough days with this earthly body of mine. It has been scraped, burned, bleeding, fractured, and painful. It has also been heavier than it should be for many years of my adult life.
In my efforts to take better care of myself (and to be able to keep up with my active grandson without keeling over) I have adjusted the way I eat. The result ... 43 pounds down to date!
So, I am feeling a little better about this tent that God gave me for my time on earth. Yet my knees still ache sometimes. My ankles still pop when I walk, and I am really not happy with my hair right now.
The question is ... are we ever really satisfied with our earthly bodies? Is there ever a day when we look in the mirror, see past the signs of age, and say, "Yep, this is perfect?"
I don't think so. And I think there is a reason why we are never satisfied. I believe we won't be satisfied until we get our heavenly bodies ... the ones that don't involve popping ankles and groaning knees.
Paul's body is groaning, too. I can imagine all the walking around he did on his journeys must have been taxing on his legs and feet. But he is not letting this get him discouraged, because his body is dying daily, but his spirit is being renewed each day.
He is not putting his focus on the troubles of the day, which he knows are just for the moment. His sights are set on things than cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. (4:18)
What is the "forever" Paul speaks of? He is saying that while our earthly bodies and the troubles of this life will be gone someday. But what awaits all believers is our new home in heaven, and our new eternal body made for us by God himself.
Remember a few days ago we talked about the Greek culture that surrounded the Corinthian church. Greeks didn't believe that the body resurrected, only the spirit. Paul is telling them that this is not true.
The bible tells us that we will have a new body that will house our soul in our eternal home. And that home is where we belong, not this earth.
While here, it is a balancing act. We have to wrestle with these bodies and do the best we can to honor God. But all the while, we believe in faith the things that we cannot see ... God, heaven, our new bodies. But someday we will reach that eternal home where our bodies will be perfect, with no sickness or disease. There won't even be popping ankles or groaning knees, and for that I am thankful and excited!