Heart Change
Acts 9:1-25. (June 13)
Michael Jackson had a lot of hit songs during his long career. One of my favorites was Man in the Mirror:
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could've been any clearer
If they wanna’ make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change.
This song talks about wanting a better world. If we want things to be better, we have to start with ourselves. The change has to first come from within us, and as WE change for the better, so does the world around us.
Saul made one of the biggest changes ever recorded! And when he did, the world became a better place.
If you remember from our previous reading, Saul despised Christians. He wanted them all dead. And he made no bones about it.
He was heading to Demascus to get some help from the synagogues. He wanted them to arrest any Christians they came across.
He chose Demascus because it was a thriving city. Its many trade routes made it a key city of commerce. He must have thought that if he could get rid of Christianity there, he could stop its spread to other places.
But along the way, something HUGE happened. He heard a voice saying, "Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?"
"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked.
"I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you just do."
You can imagine the shock for Saul and everyone with him. As he picked himself up from the ground, he was without sight. His friends help him to Damascus where he stayed, blind and without food, for three days.
Already he is experiencing change. He cannot see. He cannot eat. He is not the strong capable man he was and has to be helped to walk.
But God is not done with him yet. He spoke to Ananias in a vision, telling him to go and lay hands on Saul so that his sight will be returned.
Ananias has heard about Saul, and really wants no part of him. But God explains to him that he has chosen Saul to be his instrument to spread his message to the Gentiles and kings.
Ananias does as he is asked. The scales lift from Saul's eyes and he can see again. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and was baptized. Then he ate and got his strength back.
More change for Saul! But the greater change was about to happen...
This man who despised and murdered Christians, began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues. His transformation was indisputable proof of the power of God.
Some Jews wanted him dead. (The same way they wanted Jesus dead.) So they plotted to have him killed. (SOME people never change!)
He found out about their plot and snuck out in the night, a changed man who was now living for the Lord.
A man who started the change with himself, and lived the rest of his life to make the world a better place.
This should make us ponder... what changes do we need to make? How can the world be a better place starting with us? What scales need to be removed from our eyes so we can see clearly?