2 PETER 3: 1-18
(November 29)
Have you ever played that game where someone whispers into someone's ear, then that person turns and does the same, and on and on until you get to the last person? More often than not, the message the last person hears is very different from the original message first whispered.
Through the course of relaying it, the message gets twisted and becomes something different.
That is what the false teachers were doing to the teachings of the apostles. Peter wanted to remind the believers that they would hear these twisted versions and would need to stand firm in their faith.
He especially mentioned the subject of time, and when Jesus would come. Gid is patient, and he will wait until all people have the time to be saved.
He advised them that while they lived their lives, waiting for his return, they should make every effort to live pure and peacefully.
While Peter had a very different background and personality than Paul, they still held each other in high esteem. Paul put emphasis on salvation by grace while Peter focused on Christian life and service.
The false teachers purposefully used Paul's writings to twist the words into something that would condone sinful behavior. While this most likely made these teachers popular, it destroyed Paul's message. Often, Paul warned his followers to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ so they could avoid the mistakes made by believing the false teachers.
Peter is offering the same advice in an effort to keep the believers from believing a false and twisted truth.