Les Misery: My Redeemer Lives
One Year Bible (Aug. 27)
Job 23:1-27:23
My Redeemer Lives
We have now come to the middle of the book and it is almost intermission time.
This will be the shift in focus for the rest of our time spent in the book of Job.
The song that will be playing as you walk out for intermission is Handel’s Magnum Opus. Every Christmas we hear his magnificent piece played and our hearts soar!
Do you know the tune and words of this majestic piece?
“I know that my redeemer liveth…” (Taken from Job 19:25-26; I Corinthians 15:20)
Who knew that a man in utter despair and hopelessness would be given such amazing prophetic words that would be placed in a musical by Handel to remember the Messiah at the most magnificent time of year?
Throughout the first half of the book of Job, we see that “his friends” really aren’t listening to what his real needs are if he is to make it through this ordeal. What is Job asking for?
Repeatedly, Job restates his innocence and wants an audience with God to plead his case.
He feels like an innocent man sentenced to death row. He desires an ADVOCATE to please his case. (9:33)
Job also hears “The Three Amigos” talking and repeating the same things over and over, while God is silent. He is left in the dark and he knows that this has come “through God’s hand”. Yet, he doesn’t know this to be of God’s nature or character. He worships God and refuses to blame or curse God. He desires a MEDIATOR to bridge the huge gap between him, a human, and God who is so far above him. (16:19-21)
Lastly, Job needs a REDEEMER. He needs someone to take all of the mess and loss and redeem his life which has no value without God at the center of everything. Yet, he can’t find his way back to God in the midst of the ashes.
In the midst of complete ruin and desperation, Job is still speaking about God and who HE is, and he is offering praise… And then out of the ashes arise a song of praise!
These beautiful words that are beyond any Jewish understanding of time come flowing out of this shattered God-forsaken man, Job.
The words that philosophers, historians, teachers, and pastors have discussed over and over are found in Job 19: 25-27.
These verses are “the crescendo of faith to which Job attains.” (Gordis, The Book of Job, 204)
“But as for me, I know that my REDEEMER lives, and HE WILL STAND UPON THE EARTH at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body, I will see God! I will see him in my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought.” (Job 19:25-27)
Does Job know the REDEEMER will be the Messiah? Does he connect the REDEEMER with the KINSMAN REDEEMER in the OT?
In the OT the Kinsman Redeemer restores, avenges, and rescues their family member. They take them as their own and give them a home and a hope!
The phrase, “I will stand upon the earth” points to human vindication.
Jewish people state that they can not have peace and rest in their graves without things being made right. Job has faith that not only will he be vindicated, but that he will see God.
Listen to his words, “I am overwhelmed at the thought.”
He has HOPE beyond his suffering… for a life to come!
Who is his REDEEMER? He says, “I will see God.”
In spite, of all that Satan has thrown at Job, he is now filled with words that point the entire Jewish nation to a place beyond anywhere that they can comprehend.
Despite the “Sorry Comforters”, a joyous song has sprung up in the face of death in the ashes.
There can be no denying that this story is about so much more than meets the eye. Through the eyes of suffering Job’s eyes are pointing us to an ADVOCATE, MEDIATOR, and REDEEMER.
What did Job actually just say about a redeemer???? The audience is speechless and for at least a few minutes so are “The Three Amigos”...
The curtain is going down from the first half of the drama and the song is rising, “My Redeemer Lives and He will stand on earth at last.”