Don’t Miss the Party

Have you ever missed a party and then regretted it greatly? Perhaps, you heard all of the amazing stories or saw all of the amazing pictures and you felt the sting of being left out.

Today's readings are filled with two parties that were literally "the talk of the town". The first story is "A Beach Party" of sorts. The second was "A Bountiful Banquet". It was a great feast filled with an unusual guest list...

Since it is spring break time let's start with "The Beach Party". This story takes place in Joshua 3: 1- 4: 24 and the crazy part is that the "beach" part wasn't really there before the travelers set foot in the water at the river's edge.

This was Joshua's first solo run as the new leader of the Israelites. Talk about walking in the shadow of your predecessor. He was following the people's beloved leader; Moses not only had big shoes to fill but he had carried a big stick also. (You had to read the story.) You know that the new guy, Joshua, had to be a little nervous or maybe a lot! (Just guessing here)

The Lord gave Joshua explicit orders for their little beach outing:

A) The beach won't really be there until the 12 leaders of the 12 tribes set their feet in the water with the ark.

B) Follow the leaders, but not too close,

C) Have each of the 12 pick up a stone from the middle of the Jordan River while you are passing through.

D) The water will be standing straight up over your heads and since you don't have a camera you are definitely going to want to remember this one!!!

E) They will want to carry these stones over their shoulders. Can you say big rocks?

F) When you get to the place where you will sleep, you will want to build a memorial to remember what God did for you today.

Folks, this is going to be one unforgettable beach party. The people of God are following the ARK of the covenant and God himself is parting the waves!

How does this big introduction party work for Joshua? Scripture tells us, "That day the Lord made Joshua a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites, and for the rest of his life they revered him as much as they had revered Moses." (Joshua 4:14).

Not a bad first day on the job for Joshua! Not bad at all...

This was going to be a day to remember... Forever! Aren't you glad they didn't take "selfies" back then? I am afraid that we would be tempted to do just that if we were there? Instead, God asked them to build a place of remembrance to commemorate what God did there that day. They were to be reminded of their HELPER (God) and their Heritage (God's partnership with Moses and then Joshua).

In our NT passage, we see an entirely different party. This is a bountiful banquet, and the story is found in Luke 14: 7-35. Jesus points out a couple problems with this elegant banquet. Some are there for the glory and want to sit right by the head table. (They didn't get the "NO selfie memo" from Joshua!) Others make excuses and don't even bother to come. The Master, who is hosting the party is furious. He invites the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame to come and enjoy this lavish gift. Those that were prideful and too busy to even respond missed out. Period. Done Deal!

Two completely different parties. Two different settings. One Invitation: "Remember Me"... Our Helper. Our Heritage. Our Host.

The words to Joshua which he passed on to his people were this, "Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you." (Joshua 3: 5)

Would we stand on the sidelines or step on into the riverbank?

Have we stopped and built remembrances along the way of a God who is always faithful?

Are we set apart to be pure and holy that we might see the wonders of God?

Would we miss the banquet table with our Redeemer?

I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to miss the party!


Another Party…Lost & Found


The Scarlet Thread