My Three Sons

One Year Bible (May 8)

I Samuel 2: 22-4:22

“My Three Sons”

There was an American sitcom about a widower who raised his three sons with the help of their maternal grandfather, and later their uncle. What I remember the most about the show was the image of “their feet” tapping together and the theme song.

The shows of this “60’s” era focused on teaching values, morals, and how to be responsible. This show was about a father who wanted to raise his sons to be outstanding men. That was the plot! Simple. Wholesome. Respectful.

During this era, malls were closed on Sundays! Can you imagine? This was out of respect for family time, and for the entire family to go to church. There were no Sunday sports. Many went to church on Sunday evenings; it was the Lord’s DAY!

Even presidents prayed and led the nation in seeking God. Our country was known as a “Christian Nation” on both sides of the party! Politically, the elephants didn’t have big “elephants” lying under the carpet, and the “donkeys” didn’t act like “donkeys”.

Why am I talking about politics and leadership? Well, the father in this story was much more than a father of three sons; he was a judge, priest, and the leader of an evil nation. The “apple” doesn't fall far from “the tree”.

It sure makes a difference WHO you follow…A nation has always followed its leaders, for better or for worse. The Bible story today is a stark reminder of this very fact.

As you may recall from our previous devotion, “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” during this dark period of Israelite history. Some not only “Did what was wrong”, but they also did what they “Knew was wrong” and “What they could get away with”!

Like the T.V. series, “My Three Sons” we are going to ‘Follow the Feet’ today. Where did they walk, what did they do, and what are they remembered for?”

Eli, the father is old, very old. He has three sons; two were his, and one was kind of “dropped in his lap” or temple, so to speak. Perhaps you may remember Eli, the father, as the priest who accused “Hosanna Hannah” of being drunk when she came to pray in the temple. Perhaps, he should have given a little bit more scrutiny to his own life…

Here is what we know about Eli’s sons, who served as priests in the temple: “Now the sons of Eli were scoundrels who had no respect for the Lord or for their duties as priests.”(I Sam. 2: 12)

They were there for the barbeques and the women. (Maybe not in that order.) The Bible tells us that they weren’t the only ones “pigging out” on the sacrificed meat. Their dad was part of that indulgence. The boys lived by the slogan, “We’ve got the MEAT!” They took the food from the temple offerings by duress. (They took other things too…)

Here is a sad commentary on what their father actually knew about their behavior: “He knew, for instance, that his sons were seducing the young women who assisted at the entrance of the Tabernacle” (2: 22) Eli asked them why they kept sinning but his sons didn’t listen to him. God’s question for Eli was this: “Why do you give your sons more honor than you give me--for you and they have become fat from the best offerings of my people Israel!” (I Samuel 2: 29)

Eli’s sons did not regard his voice, and this brought the entire house of Eli DOWN! Not only was the temple filled with evil, but the “Ark of the Covenant” was no longer residing with God’s people.

Did you get this important fact? His PRESENCE was NOT with His people… Here is what the scriptures tell us about this dark time, “Now in those days messages from the Lord were very RARE, and visions were quite UNCOMMON.” (I Samuel 3: 1)

The people had not been listening… Not the priest, not his sons, and not the people! There was an eery silence. The enemy seemed to be winning, but everything was about to change.

When the Israelite army went to get “The Ark of the Covenant”, they took the two sons of Eli with them. There was a shout so loud it made the GROUND SHAKE! Not only did it shake the ground; it shook up the entire kingdom! EARTHQUAKE!!!!

The two sons of Eli were killed and Eli, the judge of Israel, fell backward and broke his neck and died! Eli’s daughter-in-law also died while giving birth to his grandson. She named the baby Ichabod--which means “Where is the Glory” because “the glory had departed from Israel”.

Who brought down every evil leader including the spiritual leaders in this Kingdom?

Who placed the third son in a position to hear his voice and respond?

Why did God do this?

“The Glory of God” does NOT dwell with evil; Holiness CAN NOT and WILL NOT abide in the same dwelling!

“The Glory” is about to come back and dwell with HIS people. You see, there is a third son placed in the temple for such a time as this. He hears his FATHER’s VOICE and a small, young voice responds: “Speak your servant is listening.”

Oh, that we may model for our children the heart of Samuel!

Oh, that we would not turn a blind eye to sin and honor sin more than our Father’s Will for us to be… Humble. Willing. Listening.

Three sons. Two rushed towards evil.

Only One Stepped Forward... Here I am. Use me.


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