Missing the Minutes


Sometimes a song just speaks directly to our heart. I believe God uses music to guide us and get our attention, and that is what happened to me this morning.

I overslept and had to hurry to make it to my morning prayer group. The devotion was about building on a strong foundation and where are the leaks and cracks in your life. I mentioned that I believe the leak in my life is busyness. My calendar actually frightens me sometimes.

So we chatted about being too busy. We discussed prioritizing. We talked about what needs to be weeded out. It was a great conversation. One I have had many times with many people. I will do well for a while, then before I know it, my calendar has filled up again and I am feeling overwhelmed.

As I drove away from prayer group, I turned on my Christian radio. There was Josh Wilson speaking to my heart, reminding me to Dream Small. As I listened with my heart, I felt the truth of the words creep in:

Just don’t miss the minutes on your way to bigger things.”

How many minutes have I missed in my efforts to do it all? How often have I let go of something I  loved to do in order to do something I felt I should do? So often I have allowed the outside world to deceive me into thinking the bigger things are what counts. When in fact it’s the small things, done with great love, that make the biggest impact.

These are the moments that change the world.”

Do you want to be a world changer? Do you want to make a difference for Christ? It’s in the small things that we truly impact others. The small things in our marriage keep us strong as we work together to guide our families and keep our relationship special and important. The small things in our homes guide the steps of our children and leave them with lasting memories and an example to live by. The small things in our community shine the light for others to see.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with bigger dreams.”

We all have dreams. We all have hopes and plans that we would like to see come to pass. And that’s okay. God calls us to live boldly, challenge ourselves to do new things for His kingdom, and step out of our comfort zones. Go for it! Just don’t let it blind you to the small opportunities, the small blessings, the tiny little moments that speak love and life into your families and your community.

Balance is not always easy, but once we achieve it, we receive the extraordinary gift of being able to chase our big dreams while savoring each of the small moments that are more special than we could have ever dreamed possible. So while you are chasing your big dreams, don’t forget to dream small.

Betty Predmore

Betty Predmore is a writer, blogger, speaker and ministry leaders.  She is the founder of Mom-Sense, Inc., a ministry designed for mentorship, connection and service to women of all life circumstances.  Through this ministry, women are encouraged and supported with scripture and life application. Mom-Sense helps women overcome life struggles through small group classes with biblical curriculum, individual counseling, bible studies, and other areas of support.  

Betty also directs the Imperial Valley Life Center, which is a non-profit faith-based pro life women’s resource center.  She has a passion for saving the unborn and supporting mothers through pregnancy and motherhood.

Betty holds a certification as a Christ-Based Counselor through the National Association of Certified Christ-Based Counselors. She is also a State of California Certified Facilitator for Anger Management/Batterer’s Treatment Program. In addition, she is a certified Facilitator for Living Free, a faith-based curriculum for parenting, addiction recovery, and anger management.

Betty loves to speak at events, sharing the love of Jesus with other women.  She does this through practical life application mingled with God’s word, and sprinkled with humor.  Having experienced a broken home, divorce, abuse, grief, single motherhood, blended families, and adoption, she uses the broken places and movement of God in her own life to share His word in an inspiring way.  She enjoys sharing her blogs on social media as a way of reaching out on a broader spectrum. Betty has many speaking topics which can be found on her website.

As an author, she has had the opportunity to impact women and reach deep into their hearts with her words of inspiration and encouragement.  Through Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace, she has created wonderful tools for the woman who is seeking direction in her spiritual walk.

Betty serves on the writing team of A Wife Like Me, and is also a contributor to Moms Encouraging Moms and Gift of Thorns.  Her blogs have appeared in several magazine publications throughout the years including Southern Faith Magazine, Purposeful Life, and Aspiring Woman Magazine.

While Betty thrives on her ministry opportunities, her greatest blessings come from being a wife to Jim and a mama to their wonderful collection of children, who bring joy, laughter, and an occasional tear to her days.


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Obey, I Say